Waifu Bay Resort Mac OS

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Gigmoto's original name was 'Himbutan' which was derived from the word himbut which literally means to hurry up. Himbutan became the largest barrio when Baras became an independent municipality. As time went by, the name 'Himbutan' was changed to Gigmoto.


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Gigmoto was himbutan while still a sitio of Baras which then was a barrio of Bato. When Baras became an independent municipality, himbutan became its largest barrio at the northeastern part. As time went on, the name 'Himbutan' was changed to Gigmoto.

In 1951 when Gigmoto became an independent municipality, the following where made to composed the territories: Sicmil and Sioron, formerly barrios of Viga , San Vicente, Biong and Dororian, formerly barrios of Baras, the mother municipality. San Pedro, an upland sitio west of the poblacion became an additional barrio of the municipality. The town proper was divided into three barangay into three barangay districts: district I, II, and III.

Located at the coordinate 13050'51' north latitude and 124016'02' to 124025'24' east longitude. The municipality with a total land area of 132.30 square kilometers is bounded on the north by the Municipality of Viga; on the west by the Municipality of San Miguel. It is 52 kilometers away from Virac, the capital town of the province.

The town of Gigmoto is fringed triangularly by two mountain ranges and with a semi-circular bay the Macalonhog Island and Brilliante rock. These are protruding rocks like sentinels protecting the poblacion from the strong waves that usually batter its shorelines and all along the coast during inclement weather.

Prioneers in the place lived by hunting, fishing and farming. During the early days people from the settlements far north and south invaded the place because of its fertile soils covered with forest abundant in wild animals and fowls and its seas and rivers teemed with fishes and other aqua marine lives. Attracted by the bounty of its land waters, they settled in the placed.

Himbutan, the original name of the place, was derived from the word 'Himbut' which literary means a place where the travelers used to hurry to catch up and spend the night on their journey from the town of Bato to Viga and vise-versa.

When Baras became a municipality and was separated from Bato, and years thereafter, the population of the place increased upon the arrival of migrants from the neighboring settlements, and due to inter-marriages and demographic mobility.

Waifu Bay Resort Mac Os Download

The place is relatively peaceful. Some of the old generations are still under the influence of the old social and economic traditions, while the young generations have already been absorbed in the mainstream of the modern ways of life.

Today, majority of the total population belonging to the labor force are engaged in the either farming or fishing or both. The rest comprises the professionals and businessmen. Others are engaged in the different craft and trades.

As 5th class municipality, abaca ranks first among than its agricultural products, followed by rice, coconut, root crops and other minor forest products. Transportation is by land and sea. It is linked by the national road to its neighboring municipalities. Gigmoto has vast forest products. More than enough to supply its needs should cottage industries are established in the municipalities it will create employment and more so, generate revenue for the government. The dollar-earning potential in the Nahulugan Falls and the Dororian Falls and rapids are ideal places of retreats of tourist and excursionists during summer months.

In the early days, the place was administered by local chieftains. When became a barrio of Baras, it was governed by Teniente del Barrio up to its creation as a municipality. By virtue of Republic Act No. 614, Gigmoto became an independent municipality and was inaugurated as such in coincidence with the celebration of its Feast Day in honor of Saint Isidore the Farmer on May 15, 1951. The very reason why the anniversary of Gigmoto Town Foundation is also its fiesta celebration.

Illustrations among the Gigmotenos in the field of business and politics is Hon. Francisco S. Tatad, Newspaperman, former Minister of Public Information, Ex-assemblyman and former Senator (9 years) who brought honor and fame not only for his own town and province but for the whole country as well.

Waifu Bay Resort Mac Os 11

In the field of Education , notable is the late Luis T. Tayo, the first Catandungan ever appointed as Schools Division Superintendent, a Native of Gigmoto.

Old customs and social traditions are still prevalent among the old generations.

As the years gone by, farming and fishing is the most important sources of living of the people. Abaca farming is the primary of income and fishing the secondary source of income. Most of the people are engaged in agriculture; the agricultural products ranging from abaca, rice, coconut and root crops. Deep-sea fishing is the common form of fishing in locality. Some of the constituents are engaged in small entrepreneurship mostly in sari-sari store, cafeteria, bakeries, general merchandise and some wholesale of abaca fiber and copra.

Twenty-two percent (22%) of the population are professional and a great number of skilled workers are available. Unfortunately, due to lack of employment of opportunities within the locality, most of them go elsewhere in country or abroad in search for greener pasture.

Gigmoto though an agriculture are still imports rice from rice from the capital town since the rice production with an average yield of 3.5MT are insufficient for the daily consumption. However, fish supply during the peak season is abundant with average yield per annum of 111.34MT; some of the catches are being brought to the capital town. But in times of rough sea, especially from the month of October to February shortage of fish consumption usually happens.

Before, Gigmoto was a great abaca producer and had also abundance of seafood products but such were gone with the years that passed because of calamity and man-made disasters. However, the abaca fiber from this municipality is still the best quality.



The Municipality of Gigmoto is situated in the eastern part of the province of Catanduanes bounded on the North by the Municipality of Viga, on the West of Municipality of San Miguel, on the East by the Pacific Ocean, and on the South by the Municipality of Baras. Located of coordinates 13'44 17.5' north latitude and 124'16'02' to 124'25'24' east longitude.

Gigmoto is 54.7 kilometers from the capital town of the province going north following the National Road connecting Virac, Bato, Baras, Gigmoto and Viga Section.


Like any other municipality of the province of Catanduanes, Gigmoto belongs to the type II climate characterized by a sort dry season in the months of April to August and a pronounced rainfall occurs during the month of November reaching 112mm while the minimum rainfall is on the month of May with about 6mm of rainfall. Tropical disturbances are more frequent during the 4th and 1st quarters if the year.

Being a coastal municipality, the climate is call and invigorating which varies according to the elevation of the place. The plains along the seashore have alternating land and sea breeze.


The land information of Gigmoto is generally hilly and mountainous. The land elevation varies from sea level up to about 700mm the Poblacion and Biong is occupying to a nearly flat area; san Pedro is an upland barangay lying in about 40 meters above sea level, and four barangays, namely Sicmil, Sioron, San Vicente and Dororian are lying along the coast for an elevation of about 0-10 meters. There are three big rivers from the deep hinterlands in the western boundary of the municipality flowing out to the sea namely, San Pedro, Dororian and Sicmil rivers. These rivers are the main source of Irrigation of the agricultural lands. A waterfall is found in barangay San Pedro.


The earths layer of this town is composed of sedimentary (recent), igneous rocks (upper-Pliocene) and metamorphic rocks (cretaceous Paleocene). The sedimentary rocks are described as alluvium, consisting of detrital deposits made up of mostly clay, sily, sand and gravel. Igneous rocks in Gigmoto are of shale and conglomerate and shale with limestone; and a well badded metamorphic rocks or partly phyllite and low grade schist.


In bonagbonag marbolized occurs with slightly metaphase shale.


Gigmoto has three types of soil base from the records of the Bureau of Soils and Water management.

The first type of soil is bartog clay loam. The soil an be found in plains and is easy to cultivate due to its looseness and richness in organic matter. Crops suited to this type of soil are rice and root crops.

The second type of soil is the mountain clay loam soil having an approximate area of 4,452 hectares. Most of these areas are located in the forestland or timberland and the remaining are glasslands and pickets.

The type is the Luciana clay having an approximate area of 5,380 hectares. This type of soil was developed from recently deposited soil materials eroded by water from the surrounding uplands.

Waifu Bay Resort Mac Os X


Mostly, mountainous and hilly in the municipality are erosion prone considering slope of 18% to 50% and higher which ranges from rolling to very steep hills. Landslides usually occur during heavy rains. The type of slope with an approximate land area of 2,384 hectares moderately sloping and hilly areas with slope classification.

An area with slope of 3% – 8% has an approximate area of 8,180 hectares. These slightly rolling areas are usually planted with coconut, abaca, and other perennial crops. The plains that dot the municipality especially on the coastal (east) side belong to the level category of slope have an approximate area of 318 hectares. Other land use within this slope includes; rice lands and build-up areas (urban and rural).


Gigmoto is predominantly a hilly mountainous area. Such topography maybe a major factor to its poor development considering the difficulty of access to such agricultural areas. The hilly nature of the terrain also increases the erosion susceptibility of the area particularly when vegetation is inadequate and farming systems are not appropriate. Presently, surface run-off and siltation occurs in the area.


As an agricultural municipality, the person is so dependent on the soil and its capability to handle a sustained agricultural production. Recently, the farmers are experiencing poor harvest due to repeated use of the land. As strong dependency on fertilizers and chemicals have added to the high cost of production.

Most areas are rolling and moderately sloping which are suitable for permanent trees and root crops. On these areas, the concept of crop diversification is highly promising to enhance land capability and increase income of farmers. Higher slopes classification with loam type of soil offers opportunity for timber production and watershed development. It must be government especially infrastructure and funding assistance are concerned and the NGO for community building.

Nahulugan Falls

Gigmoto, Catanduanes

An awesome wonder, its waters beautifully cascade on three tiers, creating spectacular sprays. It is surrounded by lush vegetation and forest. The water is clear and cold owing to the huge trees that filter the sunlight which partly illuminate the place. Large nest ferns sit on the branches of these trees throwing in some shadows, giving the whole area a mystic touch. Every now and then winged seeds would fall twirling around into the water.

Nahulugan Falls

Gigmoto, Catanduanes

An awesome wonder, its waters beautifully cascade on three tiers, creating spectacular sprays. It is surrounded by lush vegetation and forest. The water is clear and cold owing to the huge trees that filter the sunlight which partly illuminate the place. Large nest ferns sit on the branches of these trees throwing in some shadows, giving the whole area a mystic touch. Every now and then winged seeds would fall twirling around into the water.

Dororian Falls / Ba-haw Falls

Bay resort de

In bonagbonag marbolized occurs with slightly metaphase shale.


Gigmoto has three types of soil base from the records of the Bureau of Soils and Water management.

The first type of soil is bartog clay loam. The soil an be found in plains and is easy to cultivate due to its looseness and richness in organic matter. Crops suited to this type of soil are rice and root crops.

The second type of soil is the mountain clay loam soil having an approximate area of 4,452 hectares. Most of these areas are located in the forestland or timberland and the remaining are glasslands and pickets.

The type is the Luciana clay having an approximate area of 5,380 hectares. This type of soil was developed from recently deposited soil materials eroded by water from the surrounding uplands.

Waifu Bay Resort Mac Os X


Mostly, mountainous and hilly in the municipality are erosion prone considering slope of 18% to 50% and higher which ranges from rolling to very steep hills. Landslides usually occur during heavy rains. The type of slope with an approximate land area of 2,384 hectares moderately sloping and hilly areas with slope classification.

An area with slope of 3% – 8% has an approximate area of 8,180 hectares. These slightly rolling areas are usually planted with coconut, abaca, and other perennial crops. The plains that dot the municipality especially on the coastal (east) side belong to the level category of slope have an approximate area of 318 hectares. Other land use within this slope includes; rice lands and build-up areas (urban and rural).


Gigmoto is predominantly a hilly mountainous area. Such topography maybe a major factor to its poor development considering the difficulty of access to such agricultural areas. The hilly nature of the terrain also increases the erosion susceptibility of the area particularly when vegetation is inadequate and farming systems are not appropriate. Presently, surface run-off and siltation occurs in the area.


As an agricultural municipality, the person is so dependent on the soil and its capability to handle a sustained agricultural production. Recently, the farmers are experiencing poor harvest due to repeated use of the land. As strong dependency on fertilizers and chemicals have added to the high cost of production.

Most areas are rolling and moderately sloping which are suitable for permanent trees and root crops. On these areas, the concept of crop diversification is highly promising to enhance land capability and increase income of farmers. Higher slopes classification with loam type of soil offers opportunity for timber production and watershed development. It must be government especially infrastructure and funding assistance are concerned and the NGO for community building.

Nahulugan Falls

Gigmoto, Catanduanes

An awesome wonder, its waters beautifully cascade on three tiers, creating spectacular sprays. It is surrounded by lush vegetation and forest. The water is clear and cold owing to the huge trees that filter the sunlight which partly illuminate the place. Large nest ferns sit on the branches of these trees throwing in some shadows, giving the whole area a mystic touch. Every now and then winged seeds would fall twirling around into the water.

Nahulugan Falls

Gigmoto, Catanduanes

An awesome wonder, its waters beautifully cascade on three tiers, creating spectacular sprays. It is surrounded by lush vegetation and forest. The water is clear and cold owing to the huge trees that filter the sunlight which partly illuminate the place. Large nest ferns sit on the branches of these trees throwing in some shadows, giving the whole area a mystic touch. Every now and then winged seeds would fall twirling around into the water.

Dororian Falls / Ba-haw Falls

Gigmoto, Catanduanes

Partially developed by the local government of Gigmoto. It has natural cascading waters and unspoiled wildlife and forest. There are picnic areas and sheds for swimmers and visitors. The resort was partially developed by local government. It has cascading waterfalls and unspoiled vegetation where interesting wildlife abounds. There are picnics areas and sheds for swimmers and visitor. Dororian falls and rapids are ideal places for retreats and excursions during summer months. The cascading waterfall is surrounded by a lush vegetation and forest. Unspoiled wildlife brims around the site. And ideal place for picnic activities, hiking and mountain climbing.

Dororian Falls / Ba-haw Falls

Gigmoto, Catanduanes

Partially developed by the local government of Gigmoto. It has natural cascading waters and unspoiled wildlife and forest. There are picnic areas and sheds for swimmers and visitors. The resort was partially developed by local government. It has cascading waterfalls and unspoiled vegetation where interesting wildlife abounds. There are picnics areas and sheds for swimmers and visitor. Dororian falls and rapids are ideal places for retreats and excursions during summer months. The cascading waterfall is surrounded by a lush vegetation and forest. Unspoiled wildlife brims around the site. And ideal place for picnic activities, hiking and mountain climbing.

  • • Biong
  • • Dororian
  • • Poblacion District I
  • • Poblacion District II
  • • Poblacion District III
  • • San Pedro
  • • San Vicente
  • • Sicmil
  • • Sioron

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